Last Evening’s Sunset #RunningMeditation : Choose
🕊Sun 273🕊
2020 has been rife with unexpected change, fear uncertainty. It has also been a beautiful time of transformation, healing, growth & elevation. She has lifted the veil & shown us precisely who we are & exactly where we need to make adjustments. Whereas past reckonings from The Universe have been graceful, forgiving, lenient even, this calling is quick, direct & lacking any pacification, confusion & misinterpretation. She demands that u clearly understand her loving judgment the 1st time so that u will never have to revisit the same lessons again & may evolve to the next level in the next stage.
If not spiritually diligent & disciplined, u may easily find yourself tossed back & forth upon the sea of double mindedness. We all know “a double-minded being is unstable in all ways” because there is no foundation of truth upon which he/she stands firmly. We simply cannot serve two masters. #Choose what version of yourself u will serve. Your lower self (ego/fear) or Your Highest Self (Atma).

🕉 Listen 🕉 Not to the loud, distractive voices of the world or widespread narrative of fear. Listen to the voice of life living inside of u. The #voice of Divine Intelligence will guide u with a knowing that can’t be taught. It will instill in u a value that can’t be bought. Listen closely to the guidance of the Most High speaking life into your soul. #Listen intently to the conversations u are having with, the stories u tell yourself. As u listen, you’ll find the keys to #healing, change & transformation.

👁 Look 👁 Not to the external illusions & programs designed to hook your carnal mind. #Look through the lens of the Divine Mind to see what your beliefs, personal truths & expectations are for your life. That’s where your power is.
The same Creator that orders the planets, stars, ebb and flow of the oceans, cycles of the moon & the daily sunrise & #sunset lives in u. Created u. When u allow yourself to #be & commune w/Source, u find that whatsoever u need is in u. The Most High living in u is greater than any illusion of fear. You understand that u have always had a choice in how u want to #live. The choice to walk by #faith is not easy or popular. If it were, everybody would be doing it. You, Divine One, are so worth it.